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What is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a complementary treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It’s also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure.

EFT involves gentle tapping on acupressure points of the body, mainly around the head and top half of the body, combined with targeted affirmations that are personal to the client. In terms of tackling anxiety, the words used by the client help bring to mind triggering aspects whilst the tapping helps to dissolve the negative energy that is stored within the mind and body. The growing amount of research around the mind/ body relationship suggests that tapping helps to reduce stimulation of the amygdala, the organ in the brain that stimulates our response to anxiety provoking thoughts and situations. The results can be rapid and quite amazing. It also has a cumulative effect, meaning that each issue addressed helps to reduce your overall anxiety levels which also provides positive outcomes for the body and our mental health. Working with a practitioner is powerful in creating a safe, guided environment to both treat anxiety in the moment but also working towards finding and removing possible root causes of the anxiety itself.


How does EFT work?

Every emotional upset you ever experience is stored in the subconscious mind. Remembering the incident, or having something happen which is similar will trigger the memory and also the emotional charge which is attached to it. This manifests as interference in the normal energy flow through the body which feels “bad” in some way (either physical or emotional). EFT tapping accesses the energy flow routes (meridians) while the interference is present i.e. while you are thinking of the issue.

Scientific studies now demonstrate that EFT has real and significant effects. It has been shown to decrease  levels of stress hormones in the body, change the functioning of the emotional processing centres of the brain and also  affect physical function right down to the cellular and DNA levels. EFT has also been shown to perform as well as or in some cases better than counselling, CBT and EMDR.

What happens before and during an EFT session ?

  • An intake form is filled in at the start of the session which covers the current problem plus relevant background information.

  • An introduction to the basic EFT process is given

  • Work begins on whatever issue the client perceives as the most important that time.

Some clients report that simple issues are cleared with one session of EFT. More complex issues may require more sessions.  It is very rare for anyone to show absolutely no improvement with EFT and most people are amazed by its effectiveness. It really works and has been used successfully by thousands of people worldwide.


For a free, no commitment, 30 minute chat about an EFT session just get in contact.

Free 30    minute discovery call

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